Lead Hacker @ HCB

This position has been filled as of June 14th, 2022.

Hack Club is (no longer) hiring a Lead Hacker for HCB.

Starting a nonprofit is hard, so we built HCB for our community of 27,253+ teenage programmers. Within 24 hours of joining HCB, organizations get 501(c)(3) nonprofit status, access to a beautiful dashboard for managing their finances, and all financial and legal matters - from tax filings to payroll - handled. 50% of high school hackathons worldwide run on HCB, and Elon Musk has tweeted that we're a "cool group".

Now, HCB is expanding beyond just Hack Clubbers. Over 500 organizations running on HCB have transacted upwards of $5,000,000; from teenage-run hackathons to small-town newspapers.

With the right leadership, we hope to bring HCB to thousands of organizations across the United States and process tens of millions of dollars in transactions. We think do-gooders need the same tools that software engineers do. For them, HCB is like GitHub: transformative. Right now, HCB is the only part of Hack Club that isn't open source. In the next year we want to open source it, build an amazing community of Hack Clubbers contributing to it, and onboard 1,000 new organizations through our partnership with Givebutter.

✨ The perfect candidate:
Loves coding, is a Ruby on Rails expert, and has managed small teams of engineers before
Is product-oriented, believes in attention-to-detail and creating phenomenal user experiences
Has strong familiarity with open source, maybe even built or managed open source projects
Has experience building resilient systems and implementing security best practices and/or loves working with teenagers

This role pays between $150K - $210K, depending on your experience. We know that might be less than you'd make elsewhere. We offer healthcare and 4 weeks paid vacation.

Make HCB even more awesome.

HCB has been maintained by a small team of two full-time operations people, and on-and-off contributions by engineers and various contractors. The majority of contributions are actually made by teenagers! In this role, you'll take point on bringing HCB to its full potential.

HCB already powers our own transparent finances as well as those of many other organizations. These are just some of the initiatives we support:

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The Charlotte Bridge, independent journalism based in Vermont
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The Hacker Zephyr, the world's longest (by land) hackathon on a train
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Hack Pennsylvania, the largest high school hackathon in Pennsylvania

Like a CTO, you'll work directly with real users to define HCB's roadmap around making HCB better for Hack Clubbers. You will build and lead a team of Hack Clubbers to create a shipping culture around HCB, and lead and manage relationships with technical partners who integrate HCB into their products.

We're flexible and eager to accommodate for the right candidate. While we have a preference for in-person and can assist with relocation, we're open to remote options. We have an in-person office in Burlington, Vermont where our 8 person team works collaboratively.

How to apply: Email jobs@hackclub.com with "HCB" in the subject line, 3 bullet points demonstrating why you would be exceptional for the role, and your resume / GitHub / GitLab / sourcehut.

Our headquarters in beautiful Shelburne, Vermont
Our headquarters in beautiful Shelburne, Vermont

The mission of Hack Club is to be a place where teenagers can become more technical, feel welcome in getting started, and feel inspired to build with code in ways that are always honest, transparent, high-integrity, kind, and friendly. We want teenagers to self-organize and assert themselves as persons.

Already, Hack Club is the largest network of teen coders in the country. We hope for a world where Hack Club becomes a nationwide cultural institution, creating a new generation of young people with the skills, network, and value system to become problem-solvers and builders for the 21st century— a new Boy and Girl Scouts.